What are some of the workshops we offer?

As well as our public sessions, we offer private workshops which we can customise to meet the experience levels and needs of your people and organisation, ensuring we are delivering a workshop with the maximum benefit. If you are looking to offer customised Professional Development opportunities to your team, reach out!

The Agile Workshop

Within this 8 hour session, learn from our Certified Scrum Master, the simplified principles and roles of the Agile Scrum methodology, then complete a project where you will participate in mock sprints, leaving you more confident in your learnings and how to pieces of Agile move together to set you up for success.

Agile 101

Within this 3 hour session, learn from our Certified Scrum Master, the simplified principles and roles of Agile Scrum, so that you can build a foundation of how to work within this methodology. This is a great workshop for those just beginning to work in Agile or those working with Agile teams who want to understand how they work.

Product Owner Workshop

Within this 4 hour session, learn the fundamentals of being a Product Owner from our Certified Scrum Master. This workshop is perfect for anyone who wants to get up to speed with the responsibilities of a Product Owner. This is an engaging workshop that will give you the confidence going into a project about your role as a Product Owner.

Silverstripe 101

Our experts at Somar have a deep knowledge of the Silverstripe CMS. This workshop will give you all the preparation you need to be able to operate your website on the Silverstripe CMS including how to manage admin users and how to load and edit content.

Best Practice - Accessibility

Our experts will introduce you to Best Practices required to make your website accessible. This will give you the confidence that your website will meet accessibility standards and will be able to be used by a diverse group of users.

Best Practice - Usability

This workshop will introduce you to the fundamentals of making sure that your website meets usability standards. This includes understanding accessibility, clarity, relevancy, learnability and credibility and how these effect the usability of your website.

AWS AI Workshop

We host an AI workshop, alongside Amazon Web Services (AWS), focusing on the groundbreaking potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications across various business sectors. The workshop aims to demystify AI, offering practical insights into its deployment and benefits for businesses. Through this session, we explore how AI, particularly generative AI, can be a game-changer for businesses willing to embrace its capabilities.

Enquire about our workshops

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Agile workshop?

What happens in a UX workshop?

Does Amazon have an AI program?

Are AWS workshops free?

What is product owner training?